Circuit worship recorded each week; past weeks available
Cowley Road Methodist Church Centre, a partner church in the Oxford Circuit
The Northampton Methodist District
Wesleys Oxford Sharing stories from the birthplace of Methodism
My Primitive Methodists Sharing stories, photos, memories and research
My Methodist History Telling the story of the people called Methodist
My United Methodists Sharing Methodist family history, memorabilia and research
My Wesleyan Methodists Sharing stories, photos, memories and research
The Methodist Church of Great Britain
The Structure of the Methodist Church in Britain
The President and Vice President
Organisations making a difference in the climate crisis
Organisations making a difference to the climate crisis
#Charities we support
All we can – Methodist relief and development
Christian Aid Overseas Relief and development supported by the churches
Action for Children (formerly NCH) Caring for children
Oxford Gatehouse Caring for homeless, lonely and vulnerably housed people
Cruse Bereavement Care Cruse counselling services are available in Wesley Memorial.
Oxford Winter Night Shelter and the Living Room Caring for homeless people.
Oxford Asylum Welcome Help for refugees
New Inn Hall Street